Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What if the world had super heroes?

What if the world had super heroes? What would they be like? I have always thought of things like that; like we would have people that were not normal. What would we consider a super hero? Many people think that police officers or people in the armed forces are super heroes. I don’t think that the people in the in the armed forces would get the respect that they get today. Would there even be a need for the armed forces. I have seen so many movies about how the world would have super heroes. Like Hancock and the X-Men. Many thought they were super humans but as soon as they messed up with something or did something that they wanted to do that another person didn’t really agree with then they had somebody to say something about it. Then you would have them people that would take advantage of their powers and take them for granted and use them for bad. I think that the world would be totally different if we did have super heroes that had super powers!

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