Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween For Me!

When I was a kind Halloween was a holiday that I couldn’t wait till it came. I would dress up in my costume that my mom had bought for me and all my cousins would come over to my house and we would go trick-or-treating. One year me and my younger brother dressed as twins because people say that me and him could pass as twins. That year he had gotten tired of walking so he had to go back home and missed out on a lot of candy. Then as I got older and stop going with my parents I would go with my friends. Of course we would still dress up, but we would do things that we thought was funny to us. We would run pass another kid with a big bag of candy and snatch it and run. We would have tones of candy. Then when we went back to school we would sell bags of it. Also we would go to the “rich” neighborhoods, and trick-or-treat the only reason we went there was because we knew they would give out money. What a treat that was! Then when I had gotten like fourteen my mom said that we couldn’t trick-or-treat anymore because we was worshipping the devil. Then it took us almost three years to make her realize that the only reason we wanted to go was for the candy. Duhhhh! Now I still dress up, but just for the costume and I take my younger cousins and my nephew trick-or-treating. Then after that I go party, but that didn’t happen this year. Nothing but bad happened this year, and it will be a very memorable one.

1 comment:

  1. That stinks that nothing good happened for you. I actually had one of the best halloweens this year in a long time. I did not personally go trick or treating but I did hang out with some friends and really enjoyed the night with them.
