Monday, October 12, 2009

Designer Babies: Creating the Perfect Child

Creating the perfect child does seem scary. In the article above it explains both the good side and the bad side of creating your own child. It explains how they have found a way to determine the "bad genes" the genes that have some kind of disease in them. They can remove the gene from the embryo or they could cancel the pregnancy. Canceling the pregnancy would be the same thing has having an abortion. Well I think it falls under the same category. Also they explained how designer babies could be a bad idea in some countries. Many countries choose the male gender over the female gender. Then that would cause genetic elite.

1 comment:

  1. If they ever allowed this to happen, there would be a class of super babies. All children who weren't genetically altered would have more opportunities than a normal child because employers would know they are genetically superior to others.
