It’s strange to me because I am so ready for this semester to end. I have lost so much sleep since it has started. Also I thought that it would be easier to get up and go to class. Especially when I have to wake up at eight everyday and a little bit after eight another day. It seemed a lot better than having to wake up at 5:35 every morning for high school. Shockingly enough it is still hard for me to get out of bed. I always wait till the last minute to get up. I just want to sleep in for one day. I don’t even sleep in on Saturdays because I am always doing something. Rest does a body good!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Outside Event
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Designer Babies: The Future Of Genetics
The BBC’s science programme Horizon prediscts the power to change the shape and destiny of the human species will be within the grasp of genetic scientist in just a couple of decades. In vitro fertilization means that where a family had a history of diseases, one cell could be removed and change the future of the disease. Parents that have children with crippling terminal illnesses, they can rule out the possibilities of having another child with the same condition. They have done plenty of these experiments on non-human animals like the jellyfish. Cloning may well provide an answer to the problems presented by the inefficiency of injecting genes into embryos.
The article had some really good points on why designer babies are bad. They only have one good reason for designer babies. The article is very bias and informingMonday, November 30, 2009
College Life Is Exhausting!
After Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Debating 'designer babies'
There is an endless debate about ‘designer babies’ in the world today. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has become very popular in the UK for curing children’s illness. Even a child that has not been born yet can cure a sibling’s illness. Many people believe that if they wanted to sex select then they should be able to do it when they want to. It is often argued that this new interest is an inevitable corollary of new techniques and innovations: that because of the invention of in vitro fertilization techniques. Science is running ahead of ethics and regulation. Today’s opposition to new reproductive technologies is often articulated by those who consider themselves radical. The ‘designer babies’ issure provides a particular focus for many fears, because it is about parents and children. It feeds into another powerful prejudice of our times: the mistrust of individuals’ motivation, and their impact upon others.
I think that this article is a very good article. Rather it is very bias, but still gives good reason why they go move for the cons of the subject. It is a good source to use for my paper that I will be writing, Gives good detail, but not any detail about how the procedure is formed.
The Kid In Me
I don’t care what people say about watching cartoons I think they are lovely. I can watch Nickalodeon all day. I love all the cartoons that come on that channel. My most favorite is Spongebob, that’s my baby! Many people would say that I am a big kid, because of the things I watch. I love the older cartoons that use to come on when I was growing up like Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes. I think those cartoons were the best, and a lot of recent ones that come out are just not as good. I would choose to watch cartoons over any talk show or reality t.v. I think that comes from my dad, because he use to watch cartoons with me every Saturday morning and eat a bowl of cereal with me.
Expectations Of 2009 Thanksgiving!

Oh my God, when I think of Thanksgiving I get over excited. The thought of eating is just a thought that brings me happiness. Mac-n-cheese, dressing, green beans, chitterlings, poatatoe salad just sounds too good. Then there will be even more food, sweets, and the meats. Then I get to see the two loves of my life. I get to see my Josh man and my Spotward. The Josh man is my nephew and the Spotward is my dog. I gave them both nicknames, but I cant wait to get them in my arms. They will have my attention from Wednesday night until they leave Sunday!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Need to Regulate "Designer Babies"
Neil White
I went to a reading of Neil White. He was reading from his book that he recently published. Whenever I go to one of the outside events I always have low expectations of it. I never want to get my hope up for something good and it doesn’t turn out the way that I want it. Shocking from the time he started reading from his book to the end when he was answering a lot of question I was interested. I think his book was a book worth writing; the story that the book tells is very interesting and important to know. Just from going to the readings made me wish that I had read the book. It made me feel bad because it was a really good book. It basically explains and gives good detail about how he spent a year in prison with the last leoparcy patients.
This school year is going by faster than I thought it would be. I still remember the first day, yet along the week of school. I walked in the classes not really knowing what to expect. I thought from day one that it would be hard. Until this day I still have not adjusted to the school work. I still have problems with studying. I know that has to change and change very quickly. If it doesn’t then I might fail some very important classes, and that not good at all. I’m hoping that next semester would be a whole lot easier. I just hate chemistry!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pros and Cons Of Designer Babies
The term designer baby is defined as a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering a combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. In Vitro Fertilization technique involves the fertilization of the egg by the sperm in test tubes, outside the mother’s body. In which it allows doctors to screen for any disorder. This technique has many pros and cons to it. Genetic screening can reduce the baby’s chances of being born with a terminal illness or serious diseases like Down syndrome. One of the cons would be that the technique is not limited to screening for genetic and hereditary disorder, but is also used for cosmetic diagnosis. Meaning that people could pretty much buy their baby for eighteen thousand dollars.
It seemed amazing to me how they could only find one pro out of the situation. They found numerous cons and gave details. To me the article is bias, but gives very good description of their information.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Final Years Of High School!
When I was in school I was very outspoken. I stood out a lot and was very well known. I played a sport whenever I got the chance. I played basketball, softball, and ran track. All through high school I was always having my wars with teachers and had other teachers that would pull strings for me and get me out of trouble. I was one of the lucky ones. I was always getting put out of class and stayed in the halls. I was rarely on time and was well known in the principal’s office. When we got progress reports I would get nothing higher than a sixty. I was ridiculous but when grades came out I never got nothing lower than an eighty five. I was the only student that my teacher would tell me to put my head down and go to sleep. They wouldn’t put me out of class because they knew that was what I wanted. They would move me around the class to sit by people that wouldn’t normally talk and were the “nerds” of the class, but somehow I would get them to talk and laugh with me and the teachers hated that. Either it was that or my friends in the class would somehow work their way over to where I was seated and talk to me. Then I was placed by the teacher’s desk so I wouldn’t talk to anybody; so I started talking to the teacher. There was a principal that was like my best friend and was really the only one that cared enough to set me straight. She cared more about my future than I did. She tried her hardest to keep me out of trouble and never gave up on me. I honestly am thankful for her and thank her so much, because she saw something in me that I didn’t.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thinking In Color and Do-It-Yourself Porn
Samantha Patton was doing an experiment about abstract words. She embodied cognition was the words must be grounded in the environment. An example she gave us was that visual is processed faster than anything else. An apple that is green is processed faster than an apple that is shiny or tart. The experiment was going to be concrete words versus abstract words. The data collection was they had 52 students, 200 nouns, 50 concrete words, and 150 abstract words. The students had a free response to write any color they seen when the word was said. They ended up with eleven main colors: red, yellow, purple, pink, black, grey, blue, white, green, brown, and orange. The experiment had low kappa and low agreement on the words. They then took the top 75 abstract words and 75 fillers and used it for another part of the experiment.
The experiment was going to have around 30 people that was taking the test again. It was going to be a stooped based format. Brown was excluded from the color choice; so they were left with only ten colors. Their expectations were to based on the response time and accuracy of how good they matched the colors.
The whole point of these experiments were to prove that abstract words could be ground words just as much as concrete words were. A man asked the question, “why did you use colors to determine if it was a ground word?" "Why didn’t you use objects instead?" They said that if they used objects then their free response would have been all over the place and they were not going to be able to narrow them down and put them in group the way that they did.
Benjamin Marshall was a young man that did a report on porn that was produced by people that did it their self. Meaning it wasn't from a big company and they acted in their own work. The young man spoke very fast, it almost seemed as if he had memorized his whole paper. He spoke of using slapping during intercourse. Many people thought that it was down grading to women. They felt that it doesn’t matter if the woman likes it or not they should there should not be an act a violence against them. The man that was doing it said that he does not hit unless he is sure that the women liked to be hit.
He gets into a lot of other videos and mentions one about a man that is about ten years older than a young boy that’s from the ages of twelve and fourteen. Many people that watched it thought that it was a boring video because the boy did not seem interested in what was going on. Abuses of minors are not brought to the public as exploitation until somebody actually says something about it. A question was raise at the end of his reading. Why is it that when an older man messes with a younger female or male that it is made a big deal, but when an older female messes with a younger underage female nobody says anything about it .
Throughout two reading I went to I thought that time went by a lot fast then I had though. I thought that it was going to be big science talk, and that I wasn’t going to be able to understand it. At first I couldn’t understand what Mr. Marshall was saying because of how fast he read, but I finally caught on. The lectures kept my attention and was quite interesting to me.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Designer Babies: Ethical Consideration
Halloween For Me!
When I was a kind Halloween was a holiday that I couldn’t wait till it came. I would dress up in my costume that my mom had bought for me and all my cousins would come over to my house and we would go trick-or-treating. One year me and my younger brother dressed as twins because people say that me and him could pass as twins. That year he had gotten tired of walking so he had to go back home and missed out on a lot of candy. Then as I got older and stop going with my parents I would go with my friends. Of course we would still dress up, but we would do things that we thought was funny to us. We would run pass another kid with a big bag of candy and snatch it and run. We would have tones of candy. Then when we went back to school we would sell bags of it. Also we would go to the “rich” neighborhoods, and trick-or-treat the only reason we went there was because we knew they would give out money. What a treat that was! Then when I had gotten like fourteen my mom said that we couldn’t trick-or-treat anymore because we was worshipping the devil. Then it took us almost three years to make her realize that the only reason we wanted to go was for the candy. Duhhhh! Now I still dress up, but just for the costume and I take my younger cousins and my nephew trick-or-treating. Then after that I go party, but that didn’t happen this year. Nothing but bad happened this year, and it will be a very memorable one.
English Video
I was watching a video in English class was that very fascinating to me. It doesn’t take much to fascinate me. The movie was about our inheritance and how everybody originated from one group in Africa. It doesn’t matter what race you are there is a link in everyone that links them together thousands of years ago. The way they said it, there is no such thing as a race. Everyone came from one tribe that split into two. They described it as a big tree that branched off. Back then it was a lot easier to cross some countries because the water tides was low during the ice age times; they were able to walk across the island without many problems. Before the decided to move, they were almost exstincted because of the sever dry land. When they finally branched off they moved across the world. They ended up in Europe, China, Iraq, and many more parts around the world. Their skin color changed the further they moved away from Africa and they had to lighten up so that they could receive more of the sun rays. Darker skin blocks out more sun rays. The way that they became so different and distinctive was depended upon how they adapted to their environment and how they would be able to live. The part that was confusing to me was how they traced back where they moved and how they moved around the world. The thing that was amazing to me is how everyone has an African descendent. No race is no better than the other, so the whole slavery and other stuff was pointless and dumb and all the discrimination that in the world today is just ignorant.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Designer Babies
The phrase “Designer Babies” is a very important phrase in the science word today. It means that a person can design their own baby. Scientist today is able to detect which gene would cause a disease or birth defect in the baby. This could lead to the either the termination of a pregnancy, or if analyzed at a pre-implantation stage when using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), can enable the pregnancy to be created using only non-disease bearing genes ( Not only can they detect the gene of a disease but they know which gene can change the baby’s gender. For example, in China and India the gender of the baby is very important. They will be able to scan their embryo for the gender of the baby and if that was not the gender that they wanted they would be able to change it. Where there might have been an X chromosome they could replace it with a Y chromosome, and where there was meant to be a Y chromosome they would be able to replace it with a X chromosome to change the sex of the baby. Technology these days is very advanced in many ways. Scanning an embryo is very high tech and is how scientist and doctors are able to determine certain things about the baby. Many people think that in the future they may be able to “cure” genetic disease in embryos by replacing faulty sections of DNA with healthy DNA, in a process called germ line therapy ( In the future not sure how much far from the present of now, there will be a way to cure genetic diseases. They will also be able to change more things about their baby. That is where the phrase “designer babies” come into play. They would be able to do way more than just change the gender or cure a disease; they would be able to pick and choose what their baby would look like. Making their baby to be “perfect” by choosing their eye color, height, how intelligent they would be hair color, and many more things that come with a baby’s appearance and intellectuals.
Chemistry Quiz
Friday I had a quiz for my chemistry class. The night before I have to do some homework on line that had to be turned in five minutes before midnight. The homework was frustrating me because I could not understand it. When I do something and I keep trying it and never really get the hang of how it operates it frustrates me a lot. After I had finished doing the homework, I had decided to do some studying over the chapter that we was suppose to have the quiz over. I understood some of the things but my knowledge of the whole chapter was a bit shakey. The next morning I had overslept and was rushing to get to my chemistry class. When the quiz was about to start I realized I had left my calculator in my room. I just knew that I was going to fail it, or I could do my best with a pen and paper and do the basic math an estimate. I actually knew how to do everything on the quiz. The first time I know everything I don’t have my calculator to calculate things. We got out quiz back today and I ended up getting an eight out of ten. I was shocked but yet happy because that is the best I have done on a quiz and really needed that grade.
A Baby, Please. Blond, Freckles – Hold the Colic
PGD has been used for medical purposes only to avert life-threatening disease in children. The study of it has progressed to the point where it could be used to create designer babies. PGD is a technique that is used to scan a three-day embryo to see if it carries a particular genetic disease, and if it doesn’t then the embryo is planted into the mother’s womb. PGD has been taken a step a farther and is used to target less-serious disorders or certain characteristics. PGD has steadily expanded its scopes. It can also be used to help a younger brother or sister whose healthy cells can be harvested to treat an older sibling with a serious illness. Dr. Steinberg takes a new approach for screening embryos that involves taking cells from a five day old embryo instead of cells from a three day old embryo to make a more reliable diagnosis of the embryo.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Walmart Expeirence
You know how you always have the ignorant people in the stores that just go there to have fun. Well this weekend I was one of them people. Three of my friends and I went to Wal-Mart to waste time before we went to the movies. The section that we stayed in the most the toy section. We played basketball on the goal that was not taped off. I was playing with the plastic balls and my genius friend decided to use the actually basketball and almost broke something. We ran until we were sure that the cost was clear. Then I and another friend was play tennis with the plastic balls that I was playing basketball with. I hit the air vent in the ceiling so we stopped. My friend was in the basket that people drive when they are handicap or can’t stand for a long period of time. We played with that and I rode a tricycle that was small enough for a two year old. Then after we left the inside of the store we played on the outside with the carts and put a friend in the cart and pushed her around the parking lot.
My Life!
Music is what I would call my life. I can express my feelings through music. Depending on what kind of mood I am in is what kind of music I listening to. I sing and dance to music. Even tried to right music but that’s just not one of my talents. It’s like music knows how to say what I want to say and says it well. If I am not listening to music than I’m singing it. If I’m not singing it then there is a guaranteed fact that there is some song in my head. That is one of the things that makes me lose focus on what I am doing. I can be in a quiet place and if I have a song in my head that is something I would dance to. I would literally start doing the dance, no matter if I am sitting or standing. I listen to a wide variety of music. There is nothing that I won’t listen to. People always say to me "you know ever song," and I just laugh. I think that every song has a purpose except for the some of the new rap songs. A lot of music I listen to is from the 90's. I love old school music and new school. As long as it has a meaning I will listen to it.
Designer Babie - TIME
Monday, October 12, 2009
Designer Babies: Creating the Perfect Child
Diamond's Eyes
I always found it strange how dogs could have one eye that is not the same color as the other one. I thought my pit was very unique. When I first got her she was a little over five weeks old. She was a blue pit with a white belly. When I first looked at her eyes I was scared and thought that it was something wrong with her. Her left eye was a light blue color. I thought it was so pretty. Then I noticed that her right eye was a light honey brown color. We took her to the vet to make sure that everything was good with her. I had a lot of questions that I wanted an answer to, but for some reason I forgot to ask them I was too busy looking at baby. I use to love looking in her eyes; the only thing was she would scare me sometimes when I would be sleep. I would wake up with her in my face in the dark and all I seen was her blue eye. I miss her; she was killed three weeks after I left for school.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Working and School
When I was in high school I worked my junior and senior year of school, and during the summer I worked almost six days a week. The reason I use to work that much was because I had to stay busy and it wasn’t good for me to have a lot of free time on my hands. My junior year I played basketball for three different teams, worked and had a nephew to take care of besides school. My senior year I played started playing basketball but something happened and could play no more so I ended up working a lot to stay busy and hanging out with friends when time permitted itself. When I came to college I was thinking I was going to work after the first four weeks of school. Things didn’t turn out like how I wanted. I still have to learn how to balance all the school work and my social life. Like now I have a lot of free time on my hands; I know what I should be doing but I rarely do it because of other things to do and I have to stay busy and moving. I miss working; I thought I was kind of amusing what kind of people I would meet in the fast food business. It also helped me stand out more and be more outspoken. Hopefully I can start back working soon.
A Streetcar Named Desire
When I first thought of the play I thought that I was going to be really boring and long. I really thought that I wasn't going to have a good time and it would seem all that interesting. Well let me say that my whole aura of the play was wrong. I thought the play was very good. What shocked me the most about it was that it was an African American play. When it first started I knew that I was going to like it and that it would be interesting. The play turned out differently than what I had thought it would. I thought that the husband was actually going to be the perfect husband and not a woman beater and abuser. It was something new to me, because normally the plays I go to are musicals. I think that if the play was a musical it would have been a lot better, not saying it wasn't already good. The play was quite lengthy but good. It lasted from 7:30 through 10:00. I wouldn't mind going to go see another play that they may produce.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Persentation of Mike McCarthy
I thought that his presentation was very different. I thought that McCarthy was a very weird yet unique in his own way. I think that his whole life was based on the pop culture. It seems like that he focus so much on Elvis Presley; he became his idle, almost like his God. To me there were two people that made a big impact in his life and that were Elvis Presley or the author of the book "Sexual Persona." As far as me reading any of his comics or watching his movies, they are not my type thing, because it seemed like they wouldn't have anything but a lot of nudity of the females. I like his thought of women as far as they can do just as much things as men. They just don’t have to be naked or half naked.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Snake with clawed foot!
So Much Reading
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Proposal Observation
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Classes
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Observation Between Bobby And Elliott
Mrs. Wendy put to chairs in the middle of the class and had two students conduct a conversation. Everybody else in the class had to write what they saw, heard, and observed. The only thing was, we had to keep our pencil or pens moving until she told then to stop talking. Oh my God, I thought my hand was going to fall off. It was a lot of writing. It was like they didn’t know what to talk about. They had plenty of moments when they would get very quiet almost like they were thinking of something to say. When I was observing the conversation it was like I could hear everything that was going on. Mrs. Wendy was on the computer typing, and other students were making noises like: tapping their pens, moving their feet, and interrupting the conversation. I could tell a lot about how the conversation was going by their body language. One would be slouching down and the other sitting straight up. Then when the conversation got slow they would start to shake their leg. Almost as if they were nervous about the fact that people were watching them and paying close attention to their conversation. It was like they were limited on what they could talk about. Then when Mrs. Wendy was changing the topics of the conversations, their body language changed and the conversation got a little bit more interesting then it was. When they would get a good conversation going on the topic, she would change it. I thought that was kind of funny, but couldn’t really enjoy it because of all the writing and my hand was hurting.
Obseravtion Of A Video I Watched For The Fourth Time
When I was watching the observation video at home on my own my experience was different. I had already seen it three times while I was at school and pretty much knew what was going to happen. Well you know how you say that you can watch something over and over again and think you know it, but every time you watch it you notice something new. Well this time I watched the video again and I noticed that the mom rarely speaks in complete sentences she just suggest things. Also when I was first watching it at school I thought it was funny, just because it reminds me of my mom a little bit. Then after I had seen it more than once it wasn’t really funny anymore because I knew what to expect. When I was watching it for the fourth time it was like I wasn’t really tuned into the video because it wasn’t anything new to me. When I watch something for the first time I’m more tuned into it. I want to know how it starts; therefore, it would be more interesting to me. If I was to come in on it from the middle, it wouldn’t have as much of my interest as it should.
Monday, September 14, 2009
My Josh Man

When I was told to do this assignment. I truly had no clue what I was supposed to write about. The only thing that I could think of was my Josh Man. The Josh Man is my nephew. He is my heart and my baby. I miss him so much. I knew that he was going to be the only person that I miss as much as I do. That part is not very surprising to me. He is only two years old. I didn't really think that he would miss me because he was so young. Like I kind of figured that he would know who I am, but I don't know how to explain it. It's like I knew he was going to miss me because every time you seen me it was like he was somewhere to be found. What I thought or think is so cute is what my mom told me he does. He knows that my mom calls me from her cell phone. So he would go pick up her phone and take it to her and say Ti-Ti (which is the name he calls me). When she told me that all I could do was smile. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and made me miss him even more. Then I would talk to him every day before he went to sleep and he would just be talking. The only thing I could understand was my name and I love you.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Why An Autobiography Matters
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Rough Draft Autobiography
- I had to sing a duet at a church concert with somebody that I have never met before. It would not have been all that serious if the concert was not being recorded, televised, and/or in front of an audience of more than five thousand
- It says that I might not get along with others when it comes down to doing something big and important. Also that I can sing, was nervous, and don't like new changes or last minute changes
- I am a very outgoing person, but it takes me a little while to warm up to somebody. I'm that person that makes practice or an activity fun and not make it be boring, but at the same time get everything done that suppose to be done in the time limit that we have. I am not mean. Also when it comes down to something like that I want it to be good.
- That I had a moment when someone new came in the picture and had to perform the a song that we had not practiced on together. It was difficult because we was use to singing it one way rather than the way that the other person knew the song. The pace and the rhythm of the song was different to the both of us. It was like we had two days to get the song down packed and be able to perform it like we knew each other more than just two days. It was stressful at first, then got better once we came to an agreement.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tuesday Work. 9-8-09
Page 7
1 1. The last time I had to write something difficult was my junior year in high school. I had to write an autobiography on an author of a book that we were reading at the time.
2 2. The paper was suppose to tell people the way he lived his life. Not only how he lived his life but how things around him changed and how he had to adapt to these certain changes. In order for me to tell the readers something about the man. I had to do some research myself. The was my teacher made me go about that was by giving me all different types of sources to find my information from. I used plenty of the sources she gave me like: documentaries, books he had written, articles, and the internet.
Page 23
1. 1. Split, lose, paused, consideration, vanished, chased, smashed, coming, ran, chased, chased, glanced, choking, expected, quit, were, strained, pounding, step, thought, fling, point, forget, aim, dive, chasing, impelled, compelled, tore, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, find, slow, discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, save, give, losing, chased, caught, caught, stopped
2. 2. Paused, consideration, vanished, trailed, picked, chased, smashed, sliding, coming, chased, chased, glanced, choking, expected, strained, pounding, to fling, aim, dive, to go, chasing, impelled, compelled, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, to find, to slow, discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, losing, chased, stopped
3. 3. “At the corner, I looked back; incredibly, he was still after us.
“He chased Mikey and me around the yellow house and up a backyard path we knew by heart: under a low tree, up a bank, through a hedge, down some snowy steps, and across the grocery store’s delivery driveway.”
“He caught us, and we all stopped.”
Page 24
1. 1. City clothes: a suit and tie, street shoes, thin, lower pants leg wet, cuffs full of snow, prow of snow beneath them on his shoes and socks [ sainted, skinny, furious redheaded man]
2. 2. Ordinary Pittsburgh accent, normal righteous anger, usual common sense, perfunctorily [“You stupid kids.”]
3. 3. The way he described the man, suit and tie and street shoes. Like he is a normal man going to or coming home from work and might not have been in a good mood.
1. 1. A perfect iceball, from perfectly white snow, perfectly spherical, and squeezed perfectly translucent so no snow remained all the way through.
2. 2. “A complex trail beige chunks like crenellated castles walls,” describing how the roads was how good they were for them to play their game
Page 25
1. 1. “We listened perfunctorily indeed,” “I brooded about this for the next few years,” “He could only chew us out there in the Panamanian jungle, after months or years of exalting pursuit.”
2. 2. “I wanted the glory to last forever.” “We could have ran through every backyard in North America until we got to Panama.”